Spinning gear stack

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"Spinning gear stack" is a conjectural title.
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Flippy Big Secret.png
Spinning gear stack
Spinning Cog Stack.png.jpg
Cog facility: Cashbot Mint
Damage: None
Challenge: The large gears are spinning in the opposite direction of what is on top or bottom.
v • d • e

The Spinning Gear Stack is a stack of spinning gears found in the Cashbot Mints. Each gear spins in a different direction, or in other terms, opposite of whatever is on top or bottom. In order to clear this obstacle, toons must jump on platform to platform without falling off, otherwise, they may have to start over.


The Spinning Gear Stack in action
  • Toons have to get on a gear, then get on the next gear before it knocks them off; repeat with the rest of the gears. This needs correct timing.
  • Another time-saving strategy is to go near the ledge leading to the next room before jumping only on the first row of gears. After this, just jump right off onto the ledge.


  • A similar trend is used with the Lava room in the Sellbot Factory, with gears spinning on top, rather than stacked together.
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