Stomper Alley

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Stomper Alley
Stomper Alley.png
Cog facility: Sellbot Factory
Damage: 3
Challenge: Advance across the stompers and get to the other side.
v • d • e

The Stomper Alley is an alley of stompers in the Sellbot Factory. There is a fair amount of them. If a toon gets flattened by them, they will lose 3 laff points. There is no space to be safe against them. There are big stompers at the front, and small stompers at the back. Before the stompers, there is a laff barrel that gives 5 laff points and a Toon-Up barrel that restocks feathers.


  • Wait for a stomper to land while the one behind goes up. Meanwhile, push the up button without letting go. Repeat until the Lava room is reached.
  • If timed correctly, toons can jump on top of a stomper and proceed by jumping from stomper to stomper until they reach the Lava room.
Mole stompCog golfSearchlightStomper liftLibrary roomBox stomperGiant stomperSpinning gear stackThe shoverStomper AlleyLava roomStomper