Test Release notes (2006)

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Release notes help us determine any changes on Toontown Online's open and test servers. This is the release notes page for Toontown Test in 2006.

Evidence close up.png
Release Notes
Toontown Online 2001200220032004200520062007200820092010201120122013
Toontown Test 20032004200520062007200820092010 • 2011 • 2012 • 2013


January 3, 2006 [sv1.0.18.33.test]

  • Fixed bug that caused Grand Prix racers to lose out on winnings if other Toons disconnect during the race, and also makes sure Toons who disconnected in the middle of a race did not receive any winnings.
  • Corrected the spelling of Corkscrew Coliseum.
  • Fixed bug that incorrectly awarded Grand Prix trophy to Toons who did not finish first in the race.
  • *** NOTE *** Some of you may have won the Grand Touring Trophy. That is a trophy awarded to any Toon who's finished a Toon Battle race on each race track (including the Reverse versions).

January 5, 2006 [sv1.0.18.34.test]

  • Fixed a bug that incorrectly attributed track records and personal best records to the incorrect track name. You may find that in your Shticker Book the personal best times have shuffled around and this is an unavoidable consequence of this fix. The Leader Boards have also been reset as part of this fix and record times will now be properly attributed to the correct tracks.
  • Made a slight change to the Grand Prix event start/end message.
  • The amount of bonus tickets after a Grand Prix event will now be correctly displayed after the last race.
  • *** NOTE *** If you suspect that there is an invisible Toon in your battle please take a screenshot and submit a bug report!

January 6, 2006 [sv1.0.18.35.test]

  • Changed text in the tickets panel at the end of a Grand Prix from "Race Total" to "Circuit Total".
  • Fixed overlapping text in some race track tunnel signs.
  • Karts will now "sink" into the ground after a race is over as opposed to sit at the finish line idling.
  • Fixed a rare Karting crash.

January 10, 2006 [sv1.0.18.36.test]

  • Increased default record time for Corkscrew Coliseum. Track records have been reset so the change could take effect.
  • Track tunnel signs will now flash when they are about to change to the different track, not after they've changed to the different track as it did previously.
  • The start and end of Grand Prix event text has been tweaked for clarity.
  • The new tracks have been slightly tweaked some more to curtail the problem of Karts going pass the barriers and into "grey space".
  • Fixed a bug having to do with the new pie gag in Kart racing.
  • Fixed a rare crash caused by the Mailbox buttons being clicked in rapid succession.
  • Fixed a bug that caused Laff points to sometimes not be awarded after the Grand Prix event trophies have been awarded.
  • Toons will now "timeout" of a Kart race if they take too long to finish. Currently that time is set to 60 seconds above the qualifying time for that track.
  • Fixed a bug that caused tickets awarded to other Toons after a Grand Prix event to not be displayed correctly.
  • During the Grand Prix event, if a player does not click on the "Next Race" button within the allotted time, it will be pressed automatically. This does not change the "Exit Race" button's functionality.

January 11, 2006 [sv1.0.18.37.test]

  • Fixed issue with Airborne Acres Reverse track where one was unable to complete the race track.
  • Fixed some cosmetic issues with Corkscrew Coliseum and Blizzard Boulevard tracks.

January 13, 2006 [sv1.0.18.38.test]

  • Made some changes so there it is less likely for a Kart to end up in "grey space" of a track, and if it happens the Toon and Kart will be teleported back onto the track.
  • The "skid/smoke" effect will no longer show up while a Kart is flying in midair while taking a corner.
  • Fixed a bug that caused Toons who timed out during a Grand Prix race to immediately time out again when they try to enter another Grand Prix race.
  • Fixed a background graphics issue with Airborne Acres Reverse track where one might have seen a black "tear" in the landscape.
  • Fixed bug that caused qualify and race win trophies to not be awarded for the new tracks.

January 23, 2006 [sv1.0.18.38.test.v4]

  • Fixed problem with Grand Touring trophy not being awarded properly. Please make sure you receive it after having completed a race on each track (including the reverse configurations). You do not have to complete them in any order or at any particular time frame.

January 25, 2006 [sv1.0.18.39.test]

  • Made the Grand Touring trophy graphic smaller so it'll fit the race results window when the trophy is awarded.

January 26, 2006 [sv1.0.18.39.test.v2]

  • Made more changes to make sure the Grand Touring trophy is properly awarded.

January 27, 2006 [sv1.0.18.39.test.v3]

  • Fixed the repeated game crash issue, and applied a more definitive fix to the Grand Touring trophy problem.


February 22, 2006 [sv1.0.18.39.test.v3]

  • Applied data clean-up patch. If you notice any loss of data on your account or Toon, please submit a bug report.


March 03, 2006 [sv1.0.19.1.test]

  • Attention Test Toons!! Toontown has gone through a major toon-up and we need your help! While nothing seems different, many fundamental systems have changed to help improve your Toontown experience. Please play through all parts of the game. If you find anything amiss please report it via the bug report page. Leave no stone unturned, we're countin' on ya!

March 09, 2006 [sv1.0.19.2.test]

  • Fixed an issue with Minnie having missing textures on the front of her shoes (they looked like they had holes).
  • Fixed a crash that occurs when some players try to switch to full window mode.
  • Fixed crash which occurs if a player switches Toons after having thrown a pie in a Karting Toon Battle.
  • Fixed a rare crash which happens when a Toon finishes a Kart race just as he or she is about to "time out" of the race for taking too long.
  • Fixed a problem which caused incorrect reporting of progress and rewards at the end of a battle in the rewards window. This only applies to Toon Tasks which are Cogs related (i.e. defeat X amount of Lawbots).
  • Fixed the strange "scarecrow" sad animation for tall, female Dog Toons wearing a skirt.

March 11, 2006 [sv1.0.19.3.test]

  • Fixed a bug that caused some Toons' Estates to sometimes "disappear" and become inaccessible.
  • Fixed a graphics issue that caused some players to see incorrect colors/textures and other graphics glitches.
  • Fixed a crash that occurs when a player uses international characters in chat.

March 15, 2006 [sv1.0.19.4.test]

  • Toontown updated with latest game server code, please play through all aspects of the game and let us know if you encounter any bugs!

March 17, 2006 [sv1.0.19.5.test]

  • Fixed a bug that was causing Doodles to walk away from Toons right after performing a trick.

March 20, 2006 [sv1.0.19.8.test]

  • Rolled back the fix detailed in sv1.0.19.2.test regarding the incorrect rewards/progress reporting at the end of a battle.

March 21, 2006 [sv1.0.19.9.test]

  • Fixed a bug that occasionally causes Toons to crash out if they are near other Toons getting on and off the race starting pads in Goofy Speedway.

March 27, 2006 [sv1.0.19.9.test.v2]

  • Fixed a rare bug that causes the game to crash when Toons teleport across districts in and out of each other's Estates.


April 5, 2006 [sv1.0.20.1.test]

  • Attention Test Toons! Lawbot HQ is upon us! Start your journey in The Brrrgh, where you'll find a new tunnel that leads to Polar Place. Complete the quests and make that shiny new Cog Suit to infiltrate the halls of injustice! Battle legions of Lawbots and make your way to the corrupt Chief Justice, who's bent on putting every good Toontown citizen in the slammer! The phony evidence is stacked against you! Are You Toon Enough?
  • LawbotHQ is still in beta, please help us make it as fun and challenging as possible by letting us know of any bugs or glitches. We will update the release notes with "Known Issues" so that Test Toons don't report the same bug over and over. Please check this page before submitting a bug report! Toons of the World Unite!


  • Currently the area around the doors in Lawbot HQ can be passed through into "grey space". This will be fixed on the next release.
  • To help get as much testing as possible we currently have disabled the need to earn enough Merits (Jury Notices) in order to battle the Chief Justice. This is not a bug and will continue until we feel sufficient testing has been done. After that time Toons will have to earn enough Jury Notices in order to be able to battle the Chief Justice.
  • There is a graphics glitch that causes your Toon to briefly "sink" into the floor when you come out of the elevator in the Lawbot HQ "DA's Office".

Other Bug Fixes and Changes

  • Fixed a bug that caused a crash when someone finishes a Kart race right when they "Time Out".
  • We've changed how our Districts Shticker book page looks and works. Let us know what you think!
  • Fixed the Whole Cream Pie delivery quest text so directions to Tom will be given by Fifi.
  • Some dialogue concerning Cog Summons have been changed.
  • The number of Merits earned in Sellbot Factory has been increased by a factor of two. This does not affect the gag experience multiplier.
  • The Knock-Knock joke contest winning entries have been added to Polar Place.
  • Screenshots will no longer have debug text all over the image.

April 5, 2006 [sv1.0.20.2.test]

  • Fixed several bugs that were causing game crashes.
  • Fixed several misspellings in street signs and SpeedChat.
  • Improved rendering of Virtual Cogs in laser field battles.
  • Made the floors in the court room reflective.
  • Toons can no longer teleport to a friend that's inside the LawbotHQ Lobbies.
  • Improved the gavels and witness stand in the court room during Chief Justice battle.
  • During jury selection the cannons will now shoot various NPC Toons instead of the player Toon.


  • A graphics glitch caused Mickey's right iris to be missing.
  • This just in! There is a bug that causes your game to crash if you enter your House in your Estate. Please refrain from doing so! Go test out Lawbot HQ instead!

April 7, 2006 [sv1.0.20.3.test]

  • Fixed two bugs that caused crashes during the cannon portion of Chief Justice battle.
  • You can no longer summon Cogs to the Lawbot HQ plaza.
  • Added a new Laser Field game "Three In a Row".
  • Made changes so Toons can no longer sneak past any Cog battles in the DA's Office floors.
  • Changed difficulty of Chief Justice Battle: you will now get less evidence per "touch" with the witness stand, and each now weigh less while the prosecution's now weigh more.
  • More typo fixes in Task dialogue texts.


  • There is still an issue with going to your house on your Estate causing crashes. Please do not touch the front door nor click on the Clarabell icon to go to your house or you will crash!
  • Mickey is still missing his right iris.

April 7, 2006 [sv1.0.20.4.test]

  • Fixed the various "eye" graphics glitches on NPCs.
  • Fixed the "Estate door" crash. You can now enter your houses once again!
  • Fixed the order of some quests. If your current quests "switched" to the correct one don't worry, any progress you've earned still counts!
  • Fixed a few places that let you slip into "grey space". Please tell us if you find more!
  • Fixed a graphics problem that made Cogs disappear when their explosion animation plays.
  • The Lawbot Cog Disguise page in your Shticker book now says "Jury Notice" in place of "Merits".
  • Fixed a crash that occurs when playing "Avoid the Skulls" laser game.
  • Fixed more Toon Task text typos.

April 11, 2006 [sv1.0.20.5.test]

  • Made some changes to balance the amount of Jury Notices earned in each DA Office floor.
  • Improved graphics (doors, elevators) to Lawbot HQ.
  • There are now signs above each elevator in the DA's Office Lobby.
  • Fixed the "floating" problem when entering Lawbot HQ through tunnel.
  • Fixed the problem of elevator doors not closing all the way in the DA's Office.
  • Further play balanced the Chief Justice battle. The difficulty of the Chief Justice battle is based on the average number of times a group of Toons has defeated the Chief Justice. A group of Toons fighting the Chief Justice for the first time will have an easier setting (more evidence, less gavels, less lawyers) than those who have defeated him dozens of times.
  • Fixed "can't summon Cogs" problem in Polar Place. Now buildings will regularly be taken over by Lawbots.
  • Fixed a problem in Kart Racing where the race progress GUI sometimes did not appear in a timely manner.

April 12, 2006 [sv1.0.20.6.test]

  • Made lots of improvements to LawbotHQ's "look and feel", as well as enhancing the graphics to the DA's Office and Chief Justice battle areas. Please let us know if you find more graphics glitches (grey space, walls you can walk thru etc).
  • The time of freebie tries at defeating the Chief Justice is at an end! From now on Toons must have earned enough Jury Notices in order to enter the Courthouse Lobby elevator to get to the Chief Justice.
  • You no longer have to touch the cannon after each time you fire it during jury selection in the Chief Justice battle.
  • Made another attempt to fix the problem of Cogs disappearing when they should be exploding after losing a battle.
  • Tweaked some Laser Field games, changed some of their names so they'd be more self explanatory.
  • Fixed the problem where reward effects on Toons went away when entering Chief Justice battle.
  • Fixed several Lawbot HQ related crash bugs.
  • Added LawbotHQ and Chief Justice specific SpeedChat phrases. Remember Chief Justice related phrases are only available during the Chief Justice battle.
  • It will now be less common to receive the Cog Invasion summon reward for defeating the Chief Justice.
  • Another round of play balancing in the DA's Office floors.

April 13, 2006 [sv1.0.20.7.test]

  • Attention Test Toons! We are testing some new changes that have to do with District population balancing, and so for just one day we are disabling the ability to Teleport to different Districts, and when you try to you will get a message saying that particular District's full. This is not a bug so please refrain from reporting it. We are very sorry for any inconvenience this may cause you during your Test game play but we feel it is necessary so that we may provide all Toons a more Toontastic experience in the future.
  • Toons will no longer have their Cog suit on while inside the DA's Office Lobby.
  • Added Lawbot HQ specific props to DA's Office floors, and made further "look and feel" improvements.
  • Tweaked Laser game titles to be more self explanatory.
  • Fixed some more Toontask text typos.
  • Added more Chief Justice battle SpeedChat phrases.
  • A new icon is used to depict the evidence in your possession during Chief Justice battle.
  • Fixed a bug that caused number of Toon jurors successfully launched into their chairs to not count. Now the starting scales of justice position will reflect the number of Toon jurors.
  • Made more play balance changes to Chief Justice battle.
  • Tweaked DA's Office difficulty and amount of Jury Notices awarded.

April 14, 2006 [sv1.0.20.8.test]

  • We have re-enabled Teleporting between Districts. Thanks for your cooperation and understanding!
  • Fixed bug that was causing incorrect amounts of Jury Notices to be rewarded in DA's Office.
  • Made more improvements to "look and feel" to DA's Office various rooms, props, and Laser Games.
  • Made the Laser Game "Avoid the Skulls" slower.
  • Improved the Summon Cog button in the Cog Gallery Shticker Book page.
  • During the Chief Justice battle you will now see Cogs and Toons seated in the juror's seats.
  • Added taunts for the Chief Justice to use during battle.
  • Improved the look of the scales of justice in Chief Justice battle.
  • More play balancing of Chief Justice battle: it should be a bit easier to defeat him now.

April 14, 2006 [sv1.0.20.9.test]

  • Added new sound effects to Chief Justice battle.
  • During jury selection cannon game, Cogs will now take longer to reclaim a juror's seat.
  • Summon Cog button will disappear once all the summons have been used up.
  • Fixed a text alignment problem with "Jury Notices" appearing outside its box in progress reward panel.
  • Improved some graphics elements in DA's Office floors.
  • Fixed several crash bugs.

April 18, 2006 [sv1.0.20.10.test]

  • Another round of graphics and gameplay improvements to Lawbot HQ.
  • Toons will now receive a Toon-up when a Laser game is successfully completed. This applies to all Toons in the same room the puzzle is solved.
  • Added new sound effects to some props in the DA's Office.
  • Goons inside DA's Office now sport security guard hats instead of hardhats.
  • Fixed a bug that caused only one dancing Toon to be visible after defeating the Chief Justice.
  • The defense's pan on the scale should be easier to hit as victory nears.
  • Toons can no longer stand on the scales of justice.
  • During higher difficulty encounters with the Chief Justice friendly evidence hits will yield higher Toon-ups.
  • Added more Chief Justice battle specific SpeedChat phrases.
  • Fixed several crash causing bugs.

April 19, 2006 [sv1.0.20.11.test]

  • Fixed several crash bugs.
  • Added some twists to the Chief Justice battle: When all the Cogs are stunned all Toons in the battle will enter a bonus "state" and receive a Toon-up of 5 Laff points as well as having their Evidence be twice as effective on the scales of justice. This state lasts for 10 seconds and can only be achieved once every 70 seconds. In response the Chief Justice will now have a chance to perform an area of effect attack which will knock all the Toons off their feet!
  • The Chief Justice elevator will now correctly show all Toons riding it.
  • Some props have been re-arranged in the DA's Office.
  • There will now be more rooms with Gag-ups in Elevator C and D offices, but their types will now be random.
  • The Shticker Book will map page will now correctly report your location when in one of the DA's Office floors.
  • Toons will no longer look like they're floating while inside Elevator D in DA's Office.

April 19, 2006 [sv1.0.20.12.test]

  • Fixed odd looking light beam coming out of security Goons in DA's Office.
  • The correct number of Jury Notices will be awarded now in DA's Office.
  • You will no longer need to press the button at the end of a Laser Field puzzle if you successfully complete it. This does not apply to Avoid The Skulls and Skull Finder since you have to press the button in order to complete the puzzle.
  • There will now be more Gag-up barrels in Lawbot Elevator D's Office floors.
  • Fixed several more crash bugs.

April 20, 2006 [sv1.0.20.13.test]

  • The Chief Justice battle bonus state will now last for 20 seconds, during which time all Toons will receive a 10 Laff Toon-up and can be done every 60 seconds. The Chief Justice area attack will now occur less frequently, and will not occur twice in a row.
  • Added a sound effect for the jury box moving backwards during jury selection.
  • Corrected a graphics imperfection on the front door inside Courtroom Lobby.
  • Fixed a crash having to do with the elevators.

April 22, 2006 [sv1.0.20.14.test]

  • Increased amount of Jury Notices awarded for all DA's Office elevator floors.
  • Fixed server crash bug which could occur during Chief Justice battle.

April 25, 2006 [sv1.0.20.15.test]

  • Optimized District balancing code to enhance the Toontown experience.