Toontown Adobe Flash Content/Japan/コグビルパニック "Cogbuilding Panic"

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Cogbuilding/Cogville Panic, known in Japanese as "コグビルパニック" [Cogbuilding Panic], (file name being ttto_kioku.swf) is a memory game involves the player, who is inside a Cog building elevator, remembering what Cog was on what floor of the Cog building.


There are five floors in total, meaning the player must remember five Cogs. However, the game will only offer four selectable answers, so one Cog will not be a part of the questioning segment. The game asks the player questions that are basic, such as "Which floor had this Cog?" or "What Cog was on this floor?" types of questions. The player will have 9 seconds to answer the question, and if they fail to answer in time, the game will call a "Time Over," and the player will lose a Laff point. The player will also lose a Laff point if they answer the question incorrectly. The player has 6 Laff points in total (similarly to the Japanese Pie Throwing Game) which is an impossible amount of Laff to have in the actual game (Minimum being 15 Laff points). Once the player loses all of their Laff points, the game ends. Unlike the actual game however, the "WAH WAH WAH" sound effect does not play when the player goes sad. In fact, no particular sound effects at all are played for losing the entire game.

The game works on a level system, level one being the easiest level. As the levels progress, things become harder and the elevator that the player is riding in will stop going in a consistently "upward" progression (Floor 1, Floor 2, Floor 3, Floor 4, Floor 5) and will start going in randomized directions, such as backward (Floor 5, Floor 4, Floor 3, Floor 2, Floor 1) or completely random such as (Floor 1, Floor 5, Floor 3, Floor 4, Floor 2) once the player goes past level five. Regardless of whether the player successfully answers the question or not, the level will always progress to the next level. The player only gets points if they answer correctly, however. There are 20 levels maximum, and the final level is titled "Level MAX." Once the player reaches level MAX, the game continues on level MAX (The Cogs reshuffle themselves each time level MAX loops, so there will always be different Cogs) until the player finally loses all of their Laff points, meaning the game does not have an ending.

The game has an introductory cutscene that shows off two scenes that are from the Installer video that would play when Toontown was downloading. The gist of the story appears to be that a Toon happens to track down a Cog building, wants to take it down and bring safety to the area, but it is unknown if the Toon can achieve this. It is not told if this Toon is Flippy (who would commonly show up as a main protagonist in Japanese Flash games) or not. After this cutscene, the player is thrown to the title screen. The player also has the option to skip this cutscene using the button in the lower right corner. On the title screen, there is a counter that keeps track of the player's highest score, which can also be cleared using the high score reset button.


In this game, none of the sound effects are taken from Toontown Online, and the music is also not from Toontown Online. However, the music sounds like it faintly contains a default Windows MIDI soundfont french horn, which is the same instrument that is used in Cog elevator music from Toontown Online.

Main Theme

Links of Origin

This game was contained in the link (


  • The game's file name, "ttto_kioku", has the Japanese word "記憶" (romanized form being "kioku") in it, which translates to "memory" (directly referencing the fact that this game is a memory game). The former part of the file name, "ttto", is likely intended to be the acronym "TTO" (standing for "Toontown Online"), but has an extra "t" most likely as a typo.