Toontown Adobe Flash Content/Japan/Japanese Pie Throwing Game

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コグをたおせ [Defeat the Cog]
Japanese Throwing Game.png
Region: Japan
File Name: (Unknown)
v • d • e

This game (title in Japanese possibly being "コグをたおせ" [Defeat the Cog]) features Flippy as the main protagonist. Its premise is that Flippy must defend himself from waves of Cogs (similarly to Cog Target Practice, except here the Cogs are real instead of fake cardboard cut-outs). The game takes place on a miscellaneous street that appears to be Toontown Central themed, but this specific street area does not appear anywhere in Toontown Online.



This game is controlled solely using the mouse. Moving the mouse moves Flippy left and right across the screen, while clicking with the left mouse button makes Flippy throw a pie.

Main Gameplay

The player has the goal of defeating a sufficient amount of Cogs across multiple levels. This is done through aiming and throwing pies as the Cogs as they appear on the screen. The Cogs can attack the player via shooting projectiles that appear to be rotating spheres with sharp spikes jutting out of them. The player has 6 Laff points, allowing them to take 6 hits before the game is over and they lose. Upon losing, the "WAH WAH WAH" fanfare from Toontown Online is played and the player is taken back to the title screen.

As the player progresses through each level, the difficulty increases. During early levels, only a few Cogs will attack at a time, any attacking Cogs will only attack once, and all of the Cogs appear in a linear pattern one-by-one on the same row. During later levels however, more Cogs will start attacking at a time, and eventually the Cogs will stop appearing in a consistent linear formation and start appearing in random places in different rows. Sometimes one Cog will even attack multiple times in a row during these particular levels. In each stage, there is a set number of Cogs that must be defeated in order to progress to the next level. The number of Cogs that must be defeated for each level goes as follows:

  • Stage One: 30 Cogs
  • Stage Two: ??? (WIP)
  • Stage Three: ??? (WIP)


After beating all of the levels, the ending sequence begins. At the end of the ending sequence, the game links the player to a Toontown Japan website link, ( The Flash game served as an advertisement for Toontown while also functioning as a game, as the ending sequence eventually starts addressing features found in Toontown Online in an advertisement-esque format.


The music in this game was taken from Toontown Online's files, with the title screen music being the unused version of the Match Minnie Trolley game music, and the gameplay music being the final floor theme from Cog buildings.


  • Deep in the code of this Flash game, a Flash file titled start.swf is referenced. This possibly suggests that at one point in time, the two Flash files were connected with each other (i.e. start.swf possibly being originally intended to be the opening cutscene for the Japanese Pie Throwing game, or some other way of being connected). The art style of this Flash game also resembles start.swf's art style (with the character sprites and several other assets being taken from in-game Toontown Online models and textures), further suggesting a connection between the two files. This Flash file's title screen also has the Japanese symbols "コグをたおせ" on its title screen, which appear to translate to something similar to the symbols on the title screen of start.swf ("コグをたおして"), that translation possibly being "Defeat the Cog". This again suggests a connection between the two files.
  • The game provides the player with a maximum 6 Laff points, an impossible amount of maximum Laff points to have in Toontown Online.
  • Strangely, despite Flippy being a aqua-colored dog, the Laff meter the player is provided with is that of a citrine-colored duck. Meanwhile, in Toontown Online, the Laff meter provided to the player always matches the appearance of the Toon being controlled.
  • The projectiles the Cogs shoot at the player do not resemble any Cog attacks seen in Toontown Online.