Toontown Adobe Flash Content/USA/Cog Target Practice

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Cog Target Practice
Cog Target English.png
Region: United States
File Name: toonshoot.swf
v • d • e

Cog Target Practice, also known as Toontown Shoot, (file name being toonshoot.swf in the USA) is a Flash game that involves fighting off a horde of fake cardboard cut-out Cogs.



In this game, the protagonist is Flippy Doggenbottom. The objective is to knock down fake Cogs advancing towards Flippy via throwing badges at them, and to prevent them from getting to Flippy. In order to knock down Cogs, the player must throw the correct badge at the correct Cog, otherwise the targeted Cog will not be knocked down and will continue to advance. Each badge corresponds to each of the four Cog types seen in Toontown Online, with there being a Sellbot badge, Cashbot badge, Lawbot badge, and Bossbot badge. There is also a fifth badge which does not correspond to any Cog type, called the "Gold Badge". This badge is effective against all Cog types, capable of taking out not only the Cog that it hit directly, but also wiping out all Cogs on the screen at once. However, it can only be used once per stage.


This game is controlled solely using the mouse. Moving the mouse left and right moves Flippy left and right. The player selects a badge to throw via clicking on it with the left mouse button. The player can hold onto the badge via holding down the button, and throw it via releasing the button.

Main Gameplay

The player is given five lives in total, which are represented by icons of Flippy's head. Lives are not replenished upon moving to a different stage, meaning if the player loses a life in the previous stage, their amount of lives will permanently be lowered for the rest of the stages.

The game has 8 stages into total. To progress to the next stage, the player must knock down a sufficient number of fake Cogs. As the stages progress, the Cogs become faster in advancing towards Flippy. Each stage would introduce a new set of Cogs for the player to knock down in addition to ones encountered in previous stages.

Stages 1-4

The first four stages of the game take place in Toontown Central. As the player progresses, the sky progressively gets darker on each stage.

Upon reaching Stage 4, the player will earn access to the Gold Badge, which is unable to be used in prior stages.

Cogs encountered during each stage:

  • Stage 1: Cold Caller, Short Change, Bottom Feeder, Flunky
  • Stage 2: Telemarketer, Penny Pincher, Bloodsucker, Pencil Pusher (plus all Cogs from prior stages)
  • Stage 3: Name Dropper, Tightwad, Double Talker, Yesman (plus all Cogs from prior stages)
  • Stage 4: Glad Hander, Bean Counter, Ambulance Chaser, Micromanager (plus all Cogs from prior stages)

Stages 5-8

The final four stages take place in a Cog Headquarters (which does not resemble any specific Cog Headquarters seen in Toontown Online). Similarly to stages 1-4, the sky progressively gets darker on each stage. On the final stage, thunderclouds can be heard, and the sky will flash with lightning.

Cogs encountered during each stage:

  • Stage 5: Mover & Shaker, Number Cruncher, Back Stabber, Downsizer (plus all Cogs from prior stages)
  • Stage 6: Two-Face, Money Bags, Spin Doctor, Head Hunter (plus all Cogs from prior stages)
  • Stage 7: The Mingler, Loan Shark, Legal Eagle, Corporate Raider (plus all Cogs from prior stages)
  • Final Stage: Mr. Hollywood, Robber Baron, Big Wig, The Big Cheese (plus all Cogs from prior stages)


Upon defeating the final stage, a short victory cutscene will play, then the player will be taken to the ending screen. This ending screen provides the player with a menu that displays the player's total score and highest combo (highest amount of Cogs the player knocked down without making a mistake such as either losing a life or using the wrong badge on a Cog), along with two options: "Start Over" and "Try the Harder Level". Selecting "Start Over" restarts the game. Meanwhile, selecting "Try the Harder Level" increases the game's overall level, takes the player back to the How to Play screen, and back to Stage 1.


Levels indicate the game's set overall difficulty (the speed at which Cogs advance). The game always starts on level 1, where the Cogs are set at their default difficulty. If the player chooses the "Try the Harder Level" upon reaching the ending screen, the level will be increased by 1, causing the Cogs to advance at a faster rate than the previous rate. This difficulty increase spans across all 8 stages.


The Ranking screen shows the player's high scores and at what date and time the high score was accomplished. These stats can be cleared using the high score clear button that appears after at least one high score has been made.

Cogspotter's Guide

The Cogspotter's Guide is a section of the game that serves a similar function to the Cog Gallery within Toontown Online's Shticker Book. The Cogspotter's Guide screen displays rows of Cogs on a conveyor belt, which say face-off taunts (at maximum two different possible taunts) when the player scrolls to the Cog. The number of each Cog the player knocked down was also displayed at the bottom of the guide. Clicking the up and down arrows takes the player between the different Cog types (Sellbot, Cashbot, Lawbot, and Bossbot). The Cogspotter's Guide always starts on the Bossbot Cog type, with the Sellbot Cog type being placed at the very bottom.

The possible Cog face-off taunts uttered by each Cog are as follows:


  • Flunky
    • "Don't you like the way I work?"
    • "I may be just a flunky - but I am spunky."
  • Pencil Pusher
    • "I'm #2!"
    • "I don't like softies!"
  • Yesman
    • "Yes! I'm the Yesman!"
    • "I don't take "No" for an answer."
  • Micromanager
    • "Hey you, who do you think you are?"
    • "Don't make me stop the meeting."
  • Downsizer
    • "Do you want to get downsized?"
    • "You're fired!"
  • Head Hunter
    • "It's not just your head I'm hunting!"
    • "Don't you want to come over to our side?"
  • Corporate Raider
    • "I'm going to take over your company!"
    • "Time to sign over your assets."
  • The Big Cheese
    • "What's wrong? You look pale as cheese."
    • "Hey you, aren't you nearing your expiration date?"


  • Bottom Feeder
    • "I'm the top!"
    • "Hmm, you look god enough to eat."
  • Bloodsucker
    • "I'm gonna squeeze you!"
    • "Time for you to go with the flow."
  • Double Talker
    • "You may want to double think this."
    • "I'm gonna give you double trouble!"
  • Ambulance Chaser
    • "You can trust me."
    • "I'll wipe that smile off your face."
  • Back Stabber
    • "This is just part of my job, understand?"
    • "You won't be coming back."
  • Spin Doctor
    • "Where does it hurt?"
    • "Don't worry, I'll avoid your vital organs."
  • Legal Eagle
    • "I'm going to coop Toontown up in the law!"
    • "I'm going to get my talons into you!"
  • Big Wig
    • "Don't you want white hair too?"
    • "This hair is my pride and joy."


  • Short Change
    • "I'll be with you shortly."
    • "I'm going to make short work of you."
  • Penny Pincher
    • "I think it's time you pay attention."
    • "I've been asked to pinch hit."
  • Tightwad
    • "I hope you like cold cuts."
    • "I have a tight wallet and a tight fist."
  • Bean Counter
    • "Stand and be counted!"
    • "Don't mess with me!"
  • Number Cruncher
    • "Shall we have an accounting report?"
    • "Everything's accounted for."
  • Money Bags
    • "Non-stop profit!"
    • "Money, money, money is everything!"
  • Loan Shark
    • "Let me increase your losses."
    • "Sniff sniff sniff... I smell money!"
  • Robber Baron
    • "Stick 'em up!"
    • "Who's got the power now?"


  • Cold Caller
    • "I'm warning you."
    • "Have you been waiting for my call?"
  • Telemarketer
    • "Take a memo on this."
    • "I'm really mad, you'd better not come near me."
  • Name Dropper
    • "Gab gab gab" (Note, this particular quote does not end with punctuation)
    • "Nobody has the gift of gab like I do."
  • Glad Hander
    • "Ok, a friendly handshake!"
    • "Let's get right to business."
  • Mover & Shaker
    • "All people are my puppets."
    • "You will obey me."
  • Two-Face
    • "You don't know my real face."
    • "Which face should I use to defeat you?"
  • The Mingler
    • "Why don't you leave your destiny to me?"
    • "First, a sales rep smile!"
  • Mr. Hollywood
    • "Look at this happy shining face!"
    • "Well, shall we do battle?"


While Cog Target Practice takes some of its sound effects from Toontown Online, none of the music that plays in Cog Target Practice appeared in Toontown Online:


Intro Jingle
Round Start "Ready?" Jingle
Regular Stage Clear Jingle
Final Stage Clear Jingle
Ending Jingle
Game Over Jingle


Cogspotter's Guide Screen
Rankings Screen
How to Play Screen
Stage Intro Screen
Stage One
Stage Two
Stage Three
Stage Four
Stage Five
Stage Six
Stage Seven
Final Stage

Links of Origin

This version of Cog Target Practice was contained in the link (


  • This game has multiple versions of itself; a USA version, UK version, Japanese version, Southeast Asian version, and possibly a French version (as the game's title has an official French translation, being "Exercice De Tir De Cogs" [Cogs Shooting Exercise][1]).
  • This game most likely originates from Japan, as its art direction matches the Japanese Toontown brand art.
  • Several of the Cog face-off taunts shown in the Cogspotter's Guide either have slight differences from the face-off taunts stated in Toontown Online, or do not remotely resemble any existing face-off taunts stated in Toontown Online.
  • In this version of the game, when Flippy loses a life, he makes the dog exclamation noise heard in Toontown Online.

