Toontown Adobe Flash Content/Japan/Japanese Original Toontown Installer Movie

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2002 Toontown Installer Movie
Region: Japan
File Name: movie.swf
v • d • e

This Flash file movie is almost exactly the same as the updated version of the USA version. However, it is in Japanese and has sound effects along with voice acting for Scrooge McDuck. Additionally, it had a unique ending screen for when Toontown finished downloading.



The plot of this Flash file movie is the same as the USA version.


  • Narration: "この物語の舞台はカートゥーンのキャラクターたちが「家」と呼ぶ場所のはずれ…"
  • Narration: " 世界的にも有名な億万長者の「スクルージ・マクダック」が、彼の工場のお気に入りの発明家の「ジャイロ・ギアルース」の研究所に 訪れるところからはじまります。"
  • Scrooge McDuck: "ジャイロ?"
  • Scrooge McDuck: (Thinking) "いったいジャイロのやつはどこへいったんじゃろう?"
  • Scrooge McDuck: "なんだ?このなまずみたいな危険そうなロボットは ! それにしてもなんて大きなロボットじゃ !"
  • Scrooge McDuck: (Thinking) "ふうむ、巨大なロボットじゃと?"
  • Scrooge McDuck: (Thinking) "これはいい !"
  • Scrooge McDuck: (Thinking) "なぜかって? こいつがトゥーンタウンの住人にとって大きな助けになるにきまっとる…"
  • Scrooge McDuck: (Thinking) "そしてこいつでわしが大もうけ!"
  • Scrooge McDuck: (Thinking) "さわるな、じゃと?"
  • Scrooge McDuck: (Thinking) "ほ~ぅ…"
  • Scrooge McDuck: (Thinking) "まあ、大金を払ったわしには当然、意味のないことじゃがな。"
  • Scrooge McDuck: (Thinking) "こいつを動かして今までかけた大金を取り戻すぞい。"
  • Scrooge McDuck: (Thinking) "この青い線を赤い線に、と…"
  • Giant Robot: "システム始動!"
  • Scrooge McDuck: "ワシがいったい何をしたというんじゃ~!"
  • Giant Robot: "行け!"
  • Scrooge McDuck: "大変じゃ~!"
  • Scrooge McDuck: "あーっ! まずいことになったぞ…"
  • Narration: "ジャイロの発明品が暴走したぞ! スクルージだけでなく、トゥーンタウン全体が危険にさらされているぞ! 誰かロボットの軍団を止められるか? 君の助けが必要だ!"


This Flash file movie would most likely play alongside a MIDI file titled "flash_intro.mid", similarly to the USA version. This MIDI would not have been a part of the Flash file, and instead would've been a separate element loaded onto the same browser page where the Flash file was loaded.

Flash Intro

Unique Sound Effects

Unlike other versions of this installer movie (which were fully silent), the Japanese version had a variety of sound effects in it, listed below.

Scrooge McDuck opening the door to Gyro's lab.
Scrooge McDuck gasping when he sees the giant robot.
"なんだ?このなまずみたいな危険そうなロボットは ! それにしてもなんて大きなロボットじゃ !"
"これはいい !"
"なぜかって? こいつがトゥーンタウンの住人にとって大きな助けになるにきまっとる…"
Cha-ching noise when Scrooge McDuck thinks about how the giant robot will earn him lots of money.
Electric sparking noises when Scrooge McDuck connects the giant robot's wires.
Additional electric sparking noises after Scrooge McDuck connects the giant robot's wires, additionally the sound of the robot powering on.
Alarm noise used when the robot goes "システム始動!"
Robot footstep noise when robot walks.
Sound effect for when the robot uses the control panel.
Sound effect for when the conveyor belt with the Cogs on it moves.
Sound effect for when the control panel malfunctions and breaks down.
Beeping noises used when the robot goes ""行け!"
Propeller noise used when the camera zoom in on a Cog deploying its propeller.
Propeller noise used when all of the Cogs on the conveyor belt fly off to invade Toontown.
Additional propeller noise used when all of the Cogs on the conveyor belt fly off to invade Toontown.
"あーっ! まずいことになったぞ…"


  • This Flash file had a version both on the Toontown Japan website and in a 2005 Toontown Japan Winter CD-ROM.
    • Some of the sound effects in the CD-ROM version were in a higher-quality compared to the .swf version.
