Toontown Adobe Flash Content/USA/2002 Toontown Installer Movie

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2002 Toontown Installer Movie
Region: United States
File Name: movie.swf
v • d • e

The 2002 Toontown Installer Movie originally played while Toontown Online was downloading. It was connected to either Puzzle Game #1 or Puzzle Game #2 (more than likely it was connected to both of them). It had a red clock with a percentage on the side of it that originally told the user how much of Toontown was currently installed. When Toontown finished installing, the Flash movie would display text saying "Download completed. Click here to play Toontown", and would replace the blue "Quit" text button in the lower left corner with a text button that read "Go to Toontown". Presumably, clicking this button would launch Toontown Online. If the Flash movie finished playing but Toontown was not finished installing, the movie would instead display text reading "Meanwhile, replay the movie or play a fun puzzle with Toontown hints.". The "Quit" text button would be replace by two buttons, one reading "Replay Movie" and another reading "Play Puzzle" (clicking this option would've likely taken the user to either Puzzle Game #1 or Puzzle Game #2).



The story of the Flash file is that the famous Toon billionaire named Scrooge McDuck was on his way to Gyro Gearloose's lab to view an invention he had bought from him. Scrooge stumbles across a giant deactivated robot, which happens to be the invention Gyro made for Scrooge. The giant robot has a "Do Not Touch" sign on it, but Scrooge disregards this sign and decides to tamper with the robot's wires and winds up connecting the wrong wires together, making the robot become evil. This robot then goes over to a control panel and begins creating more robots, these robots being the recognizable Cogs that players would see in-game (except the heads and bodies are mismatched). After creating this robot army, the giant robot commands all of the Cogs to invade Toontown, and the Cogs fly off to carry out this command. After this, Scrooge and the giant robot are left alone, and the evil giant robot looms over Scrooge, causing the screen to fade to black and leaving Scrooge's fate unknown.


  • Narration: "Our story begins on the outskirts of the place cartoon characters call "home.""
  • Narration: "On this day, world-famous billionaire Scrooge McDuck decides to pay a visit to his favorite employee, eccentric inventor Gyro Gearloose..."
  • Scrooge McDuck: "Gyro?"
  • Scrooge McDuck: (Thinking) "I wonder where Gyro could be?"
  • Scrooge McDuck: "Sufferin' catfish! A g-g-giant robot!"
  • Scrooge McDuck: (Thinking) "Hmm... a giant robot..."
  • Scrooge McDuck: (Thinking) "Perfect!"
  • Scrooge McDuck: (Thinking) "Why, a thing like this could be a really big help to the citizens of Toontown..."
  • Scrooge McDuck: (Thinking) "...and make me a big pile of money!"
  • Scrooge McDuck: (Thinking) "Do not touch!"
  • Scrooge McDuck: (Thinking) "Phooey!"
  • Scrooge McDuck: (Thinking) "That can't mean me! After all, I paid for it."
  • Scrooge McDuck: (Thinking) "Let's get my investment up and running!"
  • Scrooge McDuck: (Thinking) "Maybe if I connect the blue one to the red one..."
  • Giant Robot: "ALL SYSTEMS READY"
  • Scrooge McDuck: "Great heavens to Betsy! What have I done?"
  • Giant Robot: "GO!"
  • Scrooge McDuck: "Oh my heavenly days!"
  • Scrooge McDuck: "This can't be good..."
  • Narration: "Gyro's invention is running amok! Scrooge has placed himself and all of Toontown in danger! Can anyone stop this army of robots? Toontown needs your help now!"


During some point in its existence, this Flash file would play alongside a MIDI file called "flash_intro.mid". This MIDI was not a part of the Flash file, and instead was a separate element loaded onto the same browser page where the Flash file was loaded.

Flash Intro

Links of Origin

One of the links this Flash file was originally contained in was ( Another link was (

This Flash file was likely viewed by users at the link (, since this link was also where flash_intro.mid would originally appear.

The flash_intro.mid file intended to be played alongside movie.swf was initially contained within the link (, but at some point was also contained in the link (


  • This Flash file had versions of itself in other languages, such as Japanese, German, and Brazilian Portuguese (footage of this version can be seen here, along with here).
  • This Flash file was updated at some point during its usage on the Toontown website. The oldest version of the Flash file has a red brick border around it (and utilizes the beta Toontown Online logo), while the updated version lacks this red border (and uses the finalized Toontown Online logo). The updated version instead was displayed alongside a purple border that was intended to look like a movie theater screen, complete with movie theater chairs in the foreground. The element(s) for the purple border were separate files that were displayed around the Flash file when viewed on the Toontown site.
    • In addition to the aforementioned differences between the oldest version and the updated version, the updated version would display a unique ending screen when Toontown Online was finished installing. The ending screen is styled to resemble a movie title screen, with the movie title displayed being "Mechanical Menance: Trouble in Toontown! The Cog Invasion Begins...". Additionally, according to the ending screen, the movie is being displayed by a theater on Punchline Place.
  • This Flash file was implemented as part of Toontown Online's installer on November 26, 2002.
  • The code within the oldest version of this Flash file attempts to load another Flash file named "toon_tune.swf". This Flash file contained the beta version of the Toontown Online installer music.[1] It is unknown when movie.swf was changed to play in conjunction with flash_intro.mid instead of in conjunction with the toon_tune.swf file. This change may have occurred when movie.swf was changed to its updated version using the finalized Toontown Online logo.
    • The code within the updated version also has the same code meant to load toon_tune.swf, however, it might have been unused for this version, with the line of code simply being a leftover from the oldest version.

