Toontown Adobe Flash Content/USA/Updated Toontown Installer Movie

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Toontown Installer Movie
Region: United States
File Name: ToontownLoadMoviePC.swf
v • d • e

The updated Toontown Installer Movie played while Toontown Online was downloading. It replaced movie.swf (the 2002 Toontown Installer movie with Scrooge McDuck) around 2004-2005. Like movie.swf, it played in the user's browser page alongside a file that provided background music. In this instance, the file was a .mp3 file that was a compressed recording of a MIDI file[1]. This audio, which can be heard in its highest quality here, is commonly referred to amongst Toontown players as the "Installer Theme".

At some point, the Flash file's movie was changed so that it would no longer play in the user's browser page and would instead play in another window that was connected to Toontown's launcher. When this change occurred, the Flash file's movie became mute, with the Installer Theme no longer playing alongside it.


The story of the Flash file is simpler than movie.swf's story and focuses more on what happens inside of the actual game rather than the story behind the game's events. It tells the user that Toontown is a happy place that Toons call home, which is unfortunately under attack by the evil Cogs. After this, it starts telling the user about the things they'll see and do in the game.

Links of Origin

The Flash file was viewable on the link (, and can still be viewed from this link as of February 16, 2022. On this link, the file itself was contained in the link (


  • This Flash file has three different versions of itself. One version lacks the "NOW DOWNLOADING" text and yellow loading bar that would appear when the user was downloading Toontown, while another version has the "NOW DOWNLOADING" text and yellow bar[2]. There is also another version, which is similar to the aforementioned version with the "NOW DOWNLOADING" sprites, but has slightly different fonts for the text presented onscreen. It is possible that the two versions with the "NOW DOWNLOADING" sprites were the versions used for the browser page, while the version without the downloading text was the version used for the launcher window.
  • The compressed audio file that played alongside the Flash file was titled "COG_30sec.mp3". It was stored in the link (
  • There was a pre-rendered version of this Flash movie that was a .wmv file instead of a .swf file at some point on the Toontown Online website[1].

