User:Ozzie McSpeed

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45 laff Ozzie McSpeed
Unknown Unknown
Toon-Up: None yet
Trap: None yet
Lure: Small Magnet
Sound: Whistle
Throw: Whole Fruit Pie
Squirt: Seltzer Bottle
Drop: Plan on leaving off Drop
Fishing information
Fishing rod: Hardwood
Estate information
Doodle Name: Zylon
Shovel: Tin
Watering Can: Medium
Miscellaneous information
Kart type: Standard
Cog suits
2 pieces
None yet
None yet
None yet
Please join the Resistance of the Squirrel. We have cookies!

–Ozzie McSpeed, Resistance of the Squirrel General


I am sort of a new Toon, but I know my place in Toontown. I am a 41 laffer, and I am currently working on the late Daisy Gardens tasks. I have beaten the Foreman once, but I almost went sad on my first adventure in the factory, after the other toons abandonded me. I have Lure, Sound, Throw, and Squirt. I plan on leaving off Drop, because of its Low accuracy and being the last Gag to hit. I grow Lure trees, as I find them to be the best trees to grow because they raise accuracy, and if you lure a cog, it cannot attack and all gags that hit (besides Sound) get a damage bonus.

My Doodle

I have a Doodle, too. Its name is Zylon. He is a yellow Doodle with an orange belly. He only knows one trick,

Here's Zylon, my Doodle.

and it is Jump. Zylon's favorite food is ornage-flavored jellybeans, and he likes to listen to Minnie's music.

My Friends

My best friend is a Dog named King Scooter. He is at about the same spot as me in the story and in Laff. I've known him for a while, and I can honestly say that he is a friendly, gentle, and nice Toon. I have a bunch of other Toon friends, but I don't know any of them like I know King Scooter.


I am the creator of a clan named "Resistance of the Squirrel" or just R.S. for short. We do parties, VP runs (when I finish my Sellbot suit), HQ battles, Cog battle marathons, and so much more! I will be advertising this group on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays on Toon Valley in Toontown Central. I cannot guarantee a specific time, all I know is that you will be able to join at the days and places previously listed.


  • I have had other Doodles, their names were Caesar and Zen.
  • My favorite gag is the Hypno Goggles, because you can hold more than one and they are Lure, which I think every fully-developed Toon needs.
  • I train and get advice at Coach Zucchini's Squash and Stretch Gym, and would still be at 15 Laff without it.
  • I get gags only from the neighborhood that I have tasks in.
  • His favorite number is 37.
  • My favorite Cog type is Sellbot.
  • My favorite Cog is the Mover & Shaker