ToonTask:+1 laff/Professor Pete

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Professor Pete
Toontown Schoolhouse
Toontown Central
5 Cog gears
Level 2+ Cogs
Toontown Central
Return to...
Professor Pete
Toontown Schoolhouse
Toontown Central

 Cog report
HQ Officer
Toon HQ
Toontown Central
This ToonTask takes place in Toontown Central.
To see more ToonTasks from this playground, see ToonTask Guide/Toontown Central.


The ToonTask starts by visiting Professor Pete in Toontown Schoolhouse, located in the Toontown Central playground. He will request that you recover five Cog gears from level two Cogs or higher in Toontown Central. Once completed, return the five Cog gears to Professor Pete. He will ask you to deliver a Cog report to an HQ Officer in any Toon HQ. Once delivered, you will be rewarded.


+1 laff boost

Quest Dialogue

Quest Part Quest Dialogue Said By
1a Professor Pete is conducting some research on the Cogs. NPC the player received the task from
1b Go talk to him if you want to help out. NPC the player received the task from
1c (Generic guidance dialogue) NPC the player received the task from
1d (Generic departure dialogue) NPC the player received the task from
2a That's right, I'm conducting a study of the Cogs. Professor Pete
2b I want to know what makes them tick. Professor Pete
2c It sure would help me if you could gather some gears from Cogs. Professor Pete
2d Make sure they're from at least level 2 Cogs so they're big enough to examine. Professor Pete
3a Okay, let's take a look. These are excellent specimens! Professor Pete
3b Mmmm... Professor Pete
3c Okay, here's my report. Take this back to Toon Headquarters right away. Professor Pete
4a (Generic greeting dialogue) HQ Officer
4b Good work (PLAYER TOON NAME), we'll take this one from here. HQ Officer
4c (Generic reward dialogue relating to the ToonTask) HQ Officer

Important figures




Toontown Central ToonTask Guide

ToontorialGag trainingGag pouchJellybean pouchCarry 2 ToonTasksTeleport accessFinal gag training
Laff boosts: +1 laff (Professor Pete)+2 laff (Honey Haha)+2 laff (Professor Wiggle)+3 laff (Sticky Lou)Miscellaneous laff boosts