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"Bump" is a conjectural title.
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General information
Target: One Toon
Weakest Damage: 1
Strongest Damage: 30
Signature Move: No
Bossbots: Chief Executive Officer
Lawbots: Chief Justice
Cashbots: Chief Financial Officer
Sellbots: Vice President
Mover & Shaker
Name Dropper
Cold Caller
v • d • e

Bump is a cog move that is used by all cog bosses and Sellbots from the "Mover Maze" in Field offices. Toons will lose a laff point if they hit the Vice President, Chief Financial Officer, or the Chief Justice, 15 laff points if they hit the Chief Executive Officer, and for the Sellbots in the Field offices, it depends on the neighborhood they are in.


  1. The toon bumps into the cog.
  2. The toon gets knocked down, performing the same animation as the "Banana Peel" emote.


  • Bump is the only cog move that is not activated by the boss, but rather by a toon.
  • If the VP, CFO, or CJ is bumped, they will also use the Swipe move.
    • If the VP or the CFO are bumped while they are stunned, they will become unstunned and swipe.
  • If toons bump the cogs in the Catching Game and Toon Escape, they will not receive any damage.
    • If toons bump the cogs in the Maze Game and Cog Thief, they will fly off into a different location.
  • Bump.png
  • BumpCloseUp.png